
Showing posts from November, 2019

P3 and P4 Forest School

More campfire cooking today-P2/3 and P4 used loppers to cut willow branches and then peeled them carefully using potato peelers so that they had clean toasting sticks. The campfire toast went down a storm with both classes  along with the hot chocolate. Mrs Dew, Mrs Walton and Miss McDonald all come and help at the class Forest School sessions and I’d like to thank them for all they do. Having another adult means we can do activities like this safely  . Miss Durnan assisted P4 today as their trip to the Science Centre meant a change of days for Forest School. 


This week, we are trying to toast bread around the fire pit. So far the Auchnacraig group and the P2/3 class have managed to have campfire toast as their snack during their Forest School sessions with me. I haven't managed to take any photographs yet as having so many folk using potato peelers to make their toasting sticks as well as having them closer to the fore demands closer supervision. I must commend both groups for taking great care using the equipment and for being so sensible around the fire. P2/3 really impressed me by helping move all the equipment from our trusty trolley to the log circle and for getting on with setting up the 'camp' without being asked! Well done to you all!

P3 Forest School

Some of Primary 3 were away at an athletics event and there at fame out to the woods for some campfire cooking. On the menu today was popcorn! It’s quick and easy on the fire and a hit with almost everyone. There were some thick pieces of ice in the woods and we tried grilling them over the fire to see which was more powerful: the ice or the flames. Which do you think won? P3 also managed some den building too. Trying the popcorn. Popcorn proved popular! "our washing line" Making a flag for their den. Busy at work improvising to make a mallet. Ice vs Flames-ice won!

P2/3 and P4 Forest School

Today was all about fire safety and sampling some campfire popcorn. The fire helped keep us all warm and gave the pupils plenty to wonder about: what makes the smoke, why are flames different colours? P2/3 and P4 helped carry all the equipment out and also helped extinguish the fire.  P4 has been learning about the different trees we have growing in our grounds and today they learned about the Silver Birch and the special properties of its bark. Hot chocolate time! Warming his hands. Fire Lighting Day Waiting for the popcorn Putting the fire out safely. Waiting patiently for the fire to take. Trying the flint and steel. Having a warm drink. Catching up around the campfire.

P4 and 4/5 Forest School

Den-building, conker drilling, knot tying, see-sawing, problem solving, hot chocolate slurping, mud splashing, string threading, wand waving, spell casting, biscuit munching Forest School!